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DAVICOM (联杰国际)

DAVICOM (联杰国际)

联杰国际(DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc.)成立于1996年,由联华电子网络通讯团队与美国网通专家所组成,总部位于新竹市科学园区,并于2007年8月6日在台湾证券交易所挂牌上市。

DAVICOM联杰国际成立时就致力于建立全球最专业的嵌入式网络通讯IC 技术,凭借着混合讯号设计及快速整合IC 的设计能力与系统应用软件的技术支持能力,已成功地提供客户高集积度与高效率低成本之解决方案。DAVICOM联杰国际同时具备了模拟及数字混合设计、DSPIC 及系统应用技术,坚强的研发阵容足以在网络通讯IC 领域中,成功开发出20 多颗数字和模拟产品;DAVICOM联杰国际公司成立时就申请了15 项美国、台湾专利权,使DAVICOM联杰国际一开始就领先同业跻身为世界级的一流IC 设计公司。

自 2004 年起,DAVICOM联杰国际更致力于嵌入式系统网络芯片与软件技术的开发,在各种广电系统上网及数字电信机顶盒都有极佳的成效,在市场上获得采用及好评。目前并领先推出全世界包装体积最小、最具竞争力的嵌入式以太网络IC。同时与国外IC 设计大厂以及业界知名领导厂商加强合作,以扩大市占率。

DAVICOM联杰国际公司的英文名称为DAVICOM,分别代表:D(资料Data)、A (音讯Audio)、V (影像Video),I (网际网路Internet)、COM (通讯Communication)。

DAVICOM联杰国际公司LOGO 表征经营团队想把所有可以上网的资讯「连结」在一起,达到「无所不连」、「网网相连」的企图与决心。

In 1989, United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), one of the largest semiconductor manufacturers in Taiwan, set up the Communication Product Division to develop Networking products.

Later in May of 1996, with UMC Communication team and American networking experts, DAVICOM Semiconductor Inc. was founded. Today DAVICOM has already developed over 20 digital & analog products and applied for Several IPs, and has successfully become one of the leading IC design houses in Taiwan.

DAVICOM aims to manufacture the most professional technique of Communication and Network ICs. By way of mixing signal design and IC integration, we provide customers with the best solutions of SoC chipsets in Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Personal Computing (PC), and internet areas.

In addition, we consider integrity and humanity the credo of DAVICOM. With such a belief and outstanding design expertise, we intend to meet customer satisfaction with quality consistency, efficient delivery and cost effectiveness. We will continue to provide our best service and support to help customer gain competitive advantages and win over more orders.

DAVICOM stands for Data, Audio, Video, Internet and COMmunication. Davicom's vision is to connect everyone and everything in the global village by providing the best customer service with our internet and communication ICs, software, systems and solutions.

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